Dayna Gralla, RN BSN

Somatic Practitioner, Sound Healer, Spiritual Guide

the light of day

We are all just walking each other home  

-Ram Dass

Education + Experience:

Dayna is a former Emergency Room and Psychiatric Nurse who left the Western Medical System in 2020 to pursue Integrative Trauma Therapy Coaching, Somatic Practice and Embodied Guidance assisting clients full time in touching into the fullness of the human experience.

Are you ready to live a life less ordinary? More full? Saturated with joy, curiosity and uninhibited expression?

Through the lens of trauma informed neuroscience, somatic experiencing, energetics and embodiment, Dayna utilizes professional healing modalities and intuitive skills to help you create lasting change in your life, guiding you toward presence, alignment and self mastery.  

Dayna received her Bachelors of Science in Nursing in 2014 from the University of South Carolina, Columbia and went on to travel the East Coast working within Emergency Medicine, Trauma Care and Psychiatry. After 7 years of service, Dayna felt it necessary to leave the Western Medicine framework to help folks remember their power + innate healing potential.

Dayna is also a gifted Seer + Spiritual Mentor, utilizing her power of clairsentience (feeling) and clairaudience (hearing) to help provide additional guidance and perspective, translate subtle energetic cues and help to maximize your God - given potential.

For questions, feel free to email me :

We are living in the age of information, distraction and separation.

Disembodiment and disconnection are our biggest disadvantages as human beings. Stuck, sitting, stagnant and more often than not, glued to our devices, totally detached from the natural world, our bodies and each other.  We approach the body from the seat of the mind as if we are cut off at the neck. Living behind our eyes.  As we awaken, we are first called inward, into awareness, realization and truth — it is then we are led toward embodied action.

My work lives at the intersection of mind, body and spirit. Merging these “separate parts”  and bringing awareness the power of choice, embodiment and liberation through authentic expression.

Your story.

Your vessel.

Your authenticity is important because you hold specific codes towards helping to shift the collective consciousness toward higher awareness + joy.

Awakening begins like a seed in the ground, dark, damp and isolated. Called to our psyche - we experience dis/ease with what we see unfolding externally.

We are called toward truth- witnessing the world and ourselves in our now.

You are here to remember. You, a living breathing miracle. Divine, Source consciousness embodied in physical form. You are here on a mission, to stretch, expand and evolve into your highest expression of self.

Less distracted and more aware is the key.

The beauty of this journey is remembering that we are each our own judge and jury, creator and destroy, captor and savior.  As we continue to drift further away from what is natural and biocompatible to the human mind / body and spirit, we are called to remember our roots, our ancestors, and reconnect with the Mother - our Earth. To be here and witness our truth without judgement, and work toward bringing heart centered awareness back into the forefront of our being. You are of this Earth. Nature embodied. An extension of her. We experience identical cycles and seasons and it would be foolish to disregard all she has to teach.

As a sentient being, you are here to FEEL through your experience.

When did you stop feeling? When did your felt sense become overwhelmed?  Your sympathetic nervous system chronically activated,  living within whatever version of fight, flight and/or freeze has become your norm? How often do you experience joy, curiosity, and creativity?  It is through feeling that we attract and/or repel what shows up in our lives. We are the curator of our experiences.  Constant fear perpetuates  the existence of your lower vibrational loop- affirming negative experiences and painful circumstances and constantly asking you : Are you ready to be different?

My job is to help you step into awareness with grace and compassion and show you ways to transmute and reprogram these self limiting patterns and align with the highest expression of you possible. When you stand in your power, the world is yours.

What do you feel is holding you back?

Together, we will make the unconscious conscious and clear the way for transformation, expansion and evolution. We will alchemize past pain and trauma into wisdom and power by examining the root of your reactivity which lives within your Nervous System.

I am in the business of conscious breakthroughs and lasting transformation. Whether it be through conversation, somatic experiencing, breath or sound- you will learn how to free yourself, befriend your body, reprogram hardwired patterns, quiet your mind, connect to the natural world, your intuition and build a bulletproof inner library of resources to call upon in the future.

Its important that you know, I am not going to heal you.

YOU are going to heal you. My job is to provide, guide and walk along side you as you do it. We aren’t here together to do things alone. And I’m here to help.

My work is rooted in what is natural and true to the human experience. I have learned from various books and teachers. I have studied multiple theories and approaches. Yet, I still stand by the fact that the greatest teachings come from personal experience.

Its an honor and a blessing to hold space, share, and connect with each and every one of you so please, feel free to reach out with any questions regarding my offerings, and I look forward to connecting with you.


Olivia S, Pittsburgh PA:

“Dayna is my spiritual guide, therapist and my life coach. The insight and perspective she provides has challenged my mind to create healthier more sustainable ways of thinking and being. From the first time we spoke, she welcomed me to be as vulnerable, open and honest as I can be and provides a nonjudgement space for it all. She allows me to be 100% me. Because of Dayna I’ve been able to grow into a woman I love.”  

John L, NYC:

“Dayna is always on point with her tarot and medicine readings, I am a repeat customer and I will say this, she never reads with judgement- always compassion. After our sessions I feel understood and that I can better understand and hold compassion for myself.”

Molly R, Long Island:

“Dayna has been a sounding board, a wealth of knowledge, and the ultimate support in navigating the sometimes chaotic nature of inner transformation”

Paige T, San Diego:

“Dayna allows the space to feel my feelings openly in a way I had never experienced in my 10 years of clinical therapy. I started to feel momentum in my life again, and continue to  as we continue our work together. With Daynas support, insight and realness, I’ve gained perspective on life that may have taken an other 10 years for me to figure out. This was the shift I needed to confidently continue my exploration of self. She has invaluable perspective and insight on the human experience.”

Jessica S, Palm Beach FL:

“Dayna is connected in ways I haven’t felt from other tarot readers. This is totally her calling and its a gift to be able to connect with my guides through her”

Katelyn M, Buchanan NY:

“Dayna made me feel welcomed, comfortable and ready to receive. My session with her allowed me to sink into relaxation within my body and tap into my unconscious mind. I loved that she offered suggestions on daily practices I could do on my own to better serve myself. The Energy Alignment session felt like a massage without being touched. 10/10 Recommend.”

Service Highlight:

Conscious Counseling :

A high vibrational spin on talk therapy, This blend of narrative medicine, energetics, somatic experiencing and conscious guidance provides clarity, empowerment and action steps to take toward your conscious expansion. Together we will explore, discuss and reassess your past, present and projected future. We will gently break down the traumas that built you and alchemize pain into purpose + power. We will dream BIG. We will identify old stories, blockages and limitations that keep you stuck within cycles of suffering and write new ones that reflect your desires. You will learn way to confront yourself and forge a new relationship to your mind and body that is founded on trust, compassion, and empathy. This work is here to elevate and remind you of who you really are. I am here to help silence the noise + guide you in. I’m ready when you are.

Everything is perfect.

What we are experiencing right now is the greatest evolutionary shift in human consciousness ever recorded in our time. We are being asked to confront ourselves and everything we have ever known. Guided into the pain of our pasts, reassessing our indoctrinated belief systems, and learning from our traumas, only to reveal lessons to be used for our future. Its time we shed light on the darkness that manifest as repetitive cycles of suffering. There is great purpose within this and the sooner we can see this, the better off we will be able to handle the external world. In order to move through this insanity gracefully, with compassion and empathy, it is in our best interest to dive inward- reexamine who we are, what we desire, our patterns and ways of being, the external controls and self limiting beliefs we hold, and begin participating in our inevitable evolution. Everything is perfect exactly as it is playing out for our individual evolution and thus the evolution of the collective consciousness. This is the Great Awakening. In awareness, you are in control. In awareness, you actively participate and learn. And in awareness, we evolve on purpose.

Together, we ascend.


sending you BIG love and expanding awareness, as always.

© 2021 The Light of Day

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